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Shotwell 0.32.2 Image Viewer Adds Support for HEIF Files with .HIF Extension

Shotwell 0.32.2 Image Viewer Adds Support for HEIF Files with .HIF Extension
The GTK-based Shotwell 0.32.2 open-source image editor and photo organizer arrived as a maintenance release to the Shotwell 0.32 stable series to address several bugs and implement a couple of new features.

The most significant change in Shotwell 0.32.2 is support for HEIF image files with the .HIF extension. If you have a device that outputs such files, you’ll want to update to this new Shotwell version to be able to see them on your GNU/Linux box, that if Shotwell is your default image viewer app.

This release also improves support for the Flatpak sandboxed universal package format when using the “send to” functionality to send image files to another app or device. This change applies to those who have Shotwell installed as a Flatpak app from Flathub or their distro’s repositories.

Several other bugs were addressed in Shotwell 0.32.2, including a minor leak in the Google and Flickr authenticators, the detection of false mtime changes, the broken aspect ratio of thumbnails when using external editors, as well as the use of the wrong data folder when starting a profile through the browser.

Moreover, this version fixes a critical issue when exporting an image file with no exposure date and an issue where meta-data was being written in a loop. Shotwell 0.32.2 also enables C&P of paths in the profile editor and updates a couple of language translations.

You can download Shotwell 0.32.2 right now from here as a source tarball that you’ll have to compile on your GNU/Linux distribution. If that’s not your cup of tea, you can install Shotwell as a Flatpak app from the Flathub portal, but you’ll probably have to wait a few more days for the new version.
Last updated 2 days ago


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