
Xfce’s Apps Update for November 2022: Xfce 4.18 Preview, Plugin Updates, and More

Xfce’s Apps Update for November 2022: Xfce 4.18 Preview, Plugin Updates, and More
The November 2022 issue of my exclusive “Xfce’s Apps Update” monthly roundup is here with news about the latest releases of your favorite Xfce applications, plugins, tools, and more.
This month brought lots of goodies for fans of the lightweight desktop environment as the development team released the first preview version of the upcoming Xfce 4.18 release. It looks like they are sticking to the original schedule and, if everything goes according to plan, we might see the final release of Xfce 4.18 on our GNU/Linux computers as soon as this Christmas.
Xfce 4.18 will bring many cool new features and improvements, including (hopefully) initial Wayland support in applications. Thunar received a lot of changes, so check out the previous editions of my “Xfce’s Apps Update” monthly roundup if you can’t wait until the final release hits the streets so I can take it for a test drive and present you with the best new features and enhancements.
Besides all the Xfce 4.18 work, the Xfce devs also managed to release updates to several plugins, including xfce4-places-plugin 1.8.3, xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.4.4, xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 1.2.7, and xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 1.2.8, all of which brought minor bug fixes and updated translations. The xfce4-systemload-plugin 1.3.2 plugin was released well this month and apart from the usual bug fixing, it also got some improvements like swap now being displayed next to memory and updated default colors.
For the current Xfce 4.16 release, the Xfce Settings app has been updated to version 4.16.5 addressing a vulnerability in the xfce4-mime-helper component and fixing a couple of issues, and the Xfce Screenshooter 1.10.0 app has been released with cool new features like custom actions, as well as writability check to the screenshots directory.
That’s it for my Xfce’s Apps Update roundup for November 2022. The month of December will be very challenging for Xfce devs as they prepare to release a second preview version of Xfce 4.18 for public testing and the final release, hopefully before the Christmas holidays.
In the meantime, look for the updates mentioned above in the stable software repositories of your favorite GNU/Linux distribution to enjoy a better and more pleasant Xfce desktop experience. For extra reading and technical details about the changes included in the Xfce apps released in November 2022, check out the official mailing list.
Last updated 3 days ago


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