
qBittorrent 4.5 Released with Faster Startup When Using Many Torrents, New Themes

qBittorrent 4.5 Released with Faster Startup When Using Many Torrents, New Themes
qBittorrent 4.5 open-source, cross-platform, and free BitTorrent client is now available for download as a major release with lots of new features and improvements.
Coming more than ten months after qBittorrent 4.4, the qBittorrent 4.5 release appears to be an exciting release for fans of this open-source BitTorrent client as it introduces a new icon and color themes, new color palettes for both dark and light themes, better startup time when using many torrents, support for custom SMTP ports, file name filter/blacklist, and port forwarding option for the embedded tracker.
This release also adds keyboard navigation, the ability to run an external program when adding a torrent, the ability to set up the “torrent stop” condition, the ability to set the working set limit option on Linux, a new option to toggle the filters sidebar, a Moving status filter, and a right-click menu for status filters.
Other new features include Auto resize columns functionality, the ability to disable the Automatic mode when the default “temp” path is changed, an Export .torrent action, the ability to set the number of maximum active checking torrents, the ability to use Category paths in Manual mode, new infohash and download path columns, and a keyboard shortcut to open the Download URL dialog.
Moreover, qBittorrent 4.5 sets metadata on an existing torrent when a duplicate torrent is added, tweaks various options related to performance warnings, allows the use of POSIX-compliant disk IO types, and splits the OS cache settings into disk IO read/write modes.
Networking-wise, this release adds a “Use proxy for hostname lookup” option, implements a “Peer ID Client” column on the Peers tab, and adds a change listen port command-line option to allow you to change the listening port for qBittorrent.
For Linux users, qBittorrent 4.5 marks the software as a single window app in the .desktop file, adds a Dockerfile, and removes the option of using icons from the system theme.
The web-based user interface received some attention as well, now featuring resizable dialogs, the ability to allow blank lines in multipart form-data input, support for exporting .torrent files, an endpoint to set speed limit mode, natural sorting, the ability to handle drag and drop events, a new alert when HTTPS settings are incomplete, refresh interval settings for the transfer list, and improved progress bar rendering.
Of course, numerous bugs were fixed to make your torrenting experience more stable and reliable. For details on these bug fixes, check out the release notes. Meanwhile, you can download qBittorrent 4.5 as a universal AppImage binary that you can run on virtually any GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything right now from the official website.
Last updated 3 days ago


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