
Xfce’s Apps Update for October 2022: Thunar Gets More New Features Towards Xfce 4.18

Xfce’s Apps Update for October 2022: Thunar Gets More New Features Towards Xfce 4.18
The October 2022 issue of my exclusive “Xfce’s Apps Update” monthly roundup is here and it brings you more news about the latest releases of your favorite Xfce applications, plugins, and tools.
This month there weren’t so many releases of your favorite Xfce apps as the devs continue to focus on the next major release of the lightweight desktop environment, Xfce 4.18, which should soon be ready for public testing.
According to the official Xfce 4.18 roadmap, the first pre-release version is expected to hit the streets on November 1st, 2022. A second pre-release version is planned for December 1st, while the final release could be out on December 15th or the 29th if there’s a need for a third pre-release version.
Meanwhile, the Thunar file manager received a new development version, 4.17.10, towards Xfce 4.18, which added many new features, starting with an Image preview sidepane, Toolbar items and notification support for undo/redo, as well as a split-view button in the Toolbar.
Thunar also received ‘undo’ support for the latest copy, move, link, file-create, rename, and trash operations, a ‘redo’ feature and multi-level undo/redo support, a new “misc-open-new-windows-in-split-view” hidden preference, DnD support for application/octet-stream, and support for ‘PrefersNonDefaultGPU’ in .desktop files.
On top of that, Thunar now lets you activate the list view via right-click + drag, set custom color to specific files, as well as to use alternative copy/paste/cut keyboard shortcuts. Moreover, Thunar will now show the file transfer rate much faster than before.
In addition to all these Thunar goodies, October 2022 brought us a new release of the Windowck plugin, version 0.5.1, which added a new icon for the Window Menu plugin, a Croatian translation, and various bug fixes.
That’s it for my exclusive Xfce’s Apps Update roundup for October 2022. You can always check out the official mailing list if you’re interested in extra or technical details about the changes included in the new releases presented in this roundup.
Last updated 7 hours ago


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