
Ubuntu 22.10 Now Runs on Sipeed’s LicheeRV D1 RISC-V Linux Single-Board Computer

Ubuntu 22.10 Now Runs on Sipeed’s LicheeRV D1 RISC-V Linux Single-Board Computer
Canonical announced today that its popular Ubuntu Linux operating system is now officially supported on Sipeed’s LicheeRV D1 RISC-V single-board computer (SBC).
Canonical continues to expand its RISC-V offering for Ubuntu with LicheeRV D1 (Dock), Sipeed’s first RISC-V Linux single-board computer (SBC) that features a modular design and exported interfaces. The LicheeRV D1 board appears to offer a small footprint and an affordable price (~$6.7 USD) compared to other RISC-V SBCs.
Sipeed is another Chinese company that focuses on the mass production of open-source RISC-V hardware, as well as AIoT/TinyML applications. Its LicheeRV D1 board was released on November 2021 and it’s targeted at TinyML developers, featuring HDMI and USB ports, a 40-pin HAT-style GPIO header, a built-in mic, an FPC connector for a mic array, a speaker port, a reset button, and one extra button.
The RISC-V board also comes with an option to add a Wi-Fi add-on SoM, along with the corresponding antenna port, as well as an optional SPI flash (NAND or NOR). LicheeRV Dock lets developers debug without soldering thanks to the UART pins that are connected to the CPU.
“Collaborating with Sipeed to bring TinyML to RISC-V developers with the new Lichee RV board, represents a leap forward in creating open hardware and software communities. We are proud to have Ubuntu enabling the growing RISC-V community.” said Cindy Goldberg, Vice President of Silicon Alliance at Canonical.
As of today, you can install Canonical’s latest Ubuntu release, Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu), on the LicheeRV Dock (D1) board by downloading an early RISC-V developer access Ubuntu Server image from the official website. Ubuntu Linux also runs on the StarFive VisionFive and Allwinner Nezha RISC-V boards, as well as the Microchip Polarfire SoC FPGA Icicle Kit.
Image credits: Canonical (edited by Marius Nestor)
Last updated 3 days ago

Fonte: www.9to5linux.com

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